Sunday, 21 November 2010

Dynamix trip ends in R-Kade session.

As most of you know the weather is officially gone one hundred percent crap, what was going to be a nice session around the street of Sunderland sending some pegs for SBR video turned out being cancelled and a quick plan B was put in place, Dynamix skatepark session indoor and a quick train journey away. Not always that simple though, met Rax, Jonn, Jay and Kieran at the train station all on time for a 12:30 train, but no thats not happening train cancelled and replacement coach put in place and we were not welcome by the bus driver in anyway, so we had to wait for an hour till the train was back up and running. In this time I tryed changing my chain to a new Shadow half link that was a fail and oh wait plan changed again we're not going Dynamix now we're of to R-Kade with Lee and Karl so we hop in Jay's dads taxi to Lee's and we were set and of to Redcar.

Now this was all fine with me, sadly we had to leave Jonn as he had a party and this also meant that the £4 i spent on my adult train ticket was a complete waist of money! So the mission was now in full flow and nothing was stopping us, got to Redcar in one piece and the park looked pretty sweet. As we got our session on I and also the others could not help but be pretty pissed of about how unaware of this thing called 'snaking', scooter and skateboard riders were, now I have no problem with them but when they are being so ignorant and thinking they own the park, they just don't (rant over) so apart from that had a pretty good session everyone getting their moves out Jay getting whips done everywhere, Karl sending a whip over the jump box, Rax with his killer barspins and no handers and Kieran with his deadly pegs. Looking forward to the next session and will defiantly be whipping up a plan to take the boards and scooters out of the equation.

Quick thanks to Lee for taking us to Redcar and solving our problem and Rax for sorting me out some mullah for petrol!
Check his shop out to;

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