Monday, 22 November 2010

Seaburn Jam.

So the Seaburn Jam was back in August now so a few months have past since but still can recall some memories of the day. So the jam has now ran for I think the last couple of years this on what i've been told, the turn out on the day was very successful with a lot of riders from Sunderland and Newcastle arriving. Now over the course of the day it featured a few random parts one example being Dchum t-bagging a Squid.
The set up for the jam was pretty cool considering the size of the park, the jam organisers being very committed and building in a new rail like they did last year, also they built a curved wooden wall-ride, an extension wall-ride and a sub box.
The amount of tricks sent during the day was pretty nuts and i've got a nice video below from the day that shows a lot of tricks one of which I cant even name. There were prizes given out for best trick etc and I think I got myself some new grips and t-shirt probably for being the new boy, weren't complaining though, so anyway enjoy the video and pictures.

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