Thursday 23 December 2010

Merry BMX'mas.

Heres a little video of me, Nathan and Rob riding V-bridge which is just round the corner from my house, Enjoy and have a very good Christmas. Stay BAB.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

4 Pegs.

Stunt pegs, when it comes into any normal persons mind they think of their childhood and how you used to slam two on the back, two on the front and then get you mates to hop on. You would just rinse around the street all three of you holding on for dear life but enjoying that buzz and the risk of all three of you just eating shit in the chance you may loose grip or balance. Stung pegs to a Freestyle Bmxer they are a piece of equipment something that opens doors and enables them to unleash so many more tricks, also known as grinds. Now there is a long list of variations of grinds going from double pegs to even a rollercoaster's grind!

Now depending what discipline you may ride such as Street, Flatland, Park or even Vert I suppose will decide on how many pegs you really want or need to ride. For all of them really you can run four pegs but for me riding mainly Street and Park I choose to run four pegs.

Its been more of a recent change to my BMX but I've found that running four pegs it gives you a lot more opportunities giving you that option of riding opposite but also enabling you to try particular tricks or runs, now I'll admit I'm not amazing on my four pegs but the only way to get good is to ride them and just have fun which I've found, most people I ride with run at least two pegs and I would definitely say that my four pegs will be staying firmly slammed to my BMX's dropouts. Here's an example of pegs being unleashed on the streets by Ryan howard, Enjoy.Stay BAB.